MKdigitalFX is privately run by Mark Gadeke
If you are looking to have a cherished photo restored, ever care will be taken with your photograph through all stages of the process. However, if you would prefer to send me a scanned image, then all i request is the image is scanned in colour (even if black and white) with a minimum resolution of 600dpi to ensure enough detail is scanned to allow for a quality restoration.
Once the restoration is completed, i will contact you so you can have a look at the completed restoration to ensure you are completely satisfied.
The completed restoration can be in the form of a digital image or a professionaly printed image. This will be agreed once you are completely satisfied.
A one off cost for a complete restoration, including either a digital or printed image will be £20. However, this may vary, depending on the amount of restoration needed and will be discussed prior to starting the restoration.
If your requirements are different, and you would like a logo, montage, or flyer, anything can be considered.
If you would like to discuss you needs further, please drop me an email.
Best Regards