MKdigitalFX, just one man living in a digital world. Im very much into Photoshop, Photography and Photo Restoration, all of which are self taught. Im continually learning new techniques from some very talented people. Your welcome to follow me on twitter, look around my site, all i ask is you leave a comment if you like what you see.

Sunday, March 28, 2010


This picture is of me and my brother Jason, it was taken a few years ago and has suffered a little over time.

I started by adjusting the colours using a levels adjustment layer to remove the red colour cast. I then removed the damage done by the tape using the clone and healing brush which took a bit of time especially on the shirts. 

I replaced the background with a new layer, and reduced the opacity so the original background could show through slightly to allow for the photographers shadows and a bit of detail to come through.

I also adjusted the tone & colours of the eyes, lips, teeth aswell as healing varous other imperfections.

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